Reiki Courses

Level 1 with Reiki-Me handbook and certificate

£300.00 for 2 days course (deposit £100.00)

These 2 enjoyable days courses will include the following:

  • The history of Reiki & Origins

  • What is Reiki and how it works?

  • Chakras

  • Aura

  • Meridians

  • Five elements

  • The five principles and beliefs

  • The Reiki attunement 21 days cleansing (process symptoms-helpful solutions)

  • Demonstration and practice time to complete Reiki treatments on oneself

- Preparation

- Healing yourself

- Practice healing others

  • Different Meditations (Gassho) or exercises & breathing

- Protection method

- Gemstones and colours

- Essential oils

  • Healing pets and plants

  • Music

  • Ceremony to Usui and to receive your certificate

An e-mail will be sent before each course with all the details of the plan for the weekend.

Drinks and snacks are included. Blankets & yoga eye pad during meditation are also provided.

Before any courses, Nathalie always advises that you have at least three Reiki treatments a few weeks before the course with her to re-align yourself before your attunement which is a strong purification process, and to check that you are ready.

Level 2 with Reiki-Me handbook and certificate

£300.00 for 2 days (deposit £100.00)

These 2 enjoyable days courses will include the following:

  • Introduction for Level 2

  • History of Symbols

  • Preparation and Level 2 Attunement

  • The origin of the Reiki symbols

  • Cho Ku Rei-Fire symbol/Powerful

  • Se Hei Ki-The mental/emotional symbol

  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen-The distance symbol

  • How to use each symbol to yourself or to others: Practice on the day

  • How to recharge gemstones or objects or a room

  • The Antahkarana -Meditation and healing symbol from Tibet

  • Ceremony to Usui and to receive your certificate

An e-mail with all the details of the plan for the weekend will be sent in advance to you.

Drinks and snacks are included. Blankets and yoga eye pad during meditation are provided.

Before your weekend Level 2 Nathalie will advise you to have a Reiki treatment with her to re-aligned to be ready for your attunement.

Level 3a Reiki Master with Reiki-Me handbook and certificate

£400.00 for 3 days course (deposit £200.00)

This class is a powerful healing experience for every student.

REIKI 3 TRAINING MASTER: I will provide my own Reiki-me handbook.

Becoming a Reiki Master will tremendously boost your understanding and confidence with Reiki.

It can be immensely rewarding, incredibly satisfying and often filled with delight, but the process of becoming a Reiki Master can potentially be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually demanding, so the decision to train as a Reiki master should not be taken lightly, or without adequate thought and preparation.

It is a big step towards a more fulfilled life. You need to feel the call from the Universe or Divine to be attuned as a Master. Not only Reiki will teach you what you need to know because your life will shift in a place where Reiki is part of your life every day.

Moreover, one important thing to remember is that receiving a Master attunement does not make you a Reiki Master! It is just the beginning of a long journey towards the mastery of Reiki. But you can do your best to live up to it, to ‘walk your talk’, to gradually ‘become’ Reiki, so that it forms a vital and inexorable part of your life.


Who can do the course?

This Master Reiki course is for students who be attuned already in Level 1 and in Level 2 and practiced Reiki regularly on themselves or others.

Before to start any Master course you will need 3 to 6 sessions to make sure you are ready for this next level.

How many days?

We need 3 days to cover this course.

£400 (deposit £200.00)        9:30am-6pm                   London-Blackheath

 With Reiki-me handbook written by Nathalie Evans and Usui Reiki Master 3a Certificate


1/The importance of intent: an essential personal and spiritual development

  • Spiritual way of being.

  • A greater level of Wisdom (understanding about yourself)

  • The embodiment of Reiki: embodiment of love, light, healing, harmony, and balance.

  • Unique set of Life experience: How to lead someone to their own personal and spiritual fulfilment without judgement or censure, but with love and compassion.

2/The use of all symbols and the Master Usui Symbol and the additional Tibetan Master Symbol

  • How to draw the additional symbols

  • Demonstration and practice of the Usui/ Tibetan additional symbols and Mantras- the Tibetan master symbol and the Fire Serpent symbol

  • Attunement for the 3a Master with ceremony at the end with a certificate Reiki-me.

  • Ways of using the symbol, including advanced Master techniques for treatments.


3/Usui Reiki level 1: Learning and practicing the attunement method.

4/Usui Reiki level 2: Learning and practicing the attunement method.

5/ Demonstration how to use the ancient Antahkarana symbols to assist with healing.

6/How do you work with intuition during Reiki treatment- Detecting the Aura.

8/Demonstration how to use chakra essential oils during Reiki treatment

9/ Demonstration how to use different crystals during Reiki treatment -How to recharge the crystals. -Energy protection and cleansing technique: the Reiki shower technique.

10/ The Violet Breath- Concentration or Meditation practice.


Reiki for children (8 to 12 years old) LEVEL 1 with Reiki-Me handbook and certificate

£250.00 (Deposit £100.00) in 2 mornings weekend for 3 hours each morning (with a helper). Any parents’ presence is fine if there are any issues.

Some drinks will be provided, and art project and Nathalie will have a helper

These 2 fun mornings will include the following:

  • Colouring page: place your hands on the first page with colours

  • History of Reiki -Who is Dr Mikao Usui- What is Reiki?

  •   Energy: Hands hold power- who has the healing touch

  • Chakras and colours/Aura…are your energy identity

  •   Breathing is my superpower

  •   The Reiki principles

  • Reiki level 1: Attunement with a little Gashho prayer (21 days chakra detox)

  • How to scan? How to do Reiki techniques on yourself and others, to animals and plants -with practice?

  • The magic crystals-how to use them?

  • Ceremony to Usui to receive your certificate Level 1

  • Discover children books advised


Reiki for children level 2:

£250.00 (Deposit £100.00) in 2 mornings weekend for 3 hours each morning (with a helper). Any parent’s presence is fine if there is some issues).

These 2 enjoyable days courses will include the following:

  •   Introduction for Level 2

  •   History of Symbols

  •   Preparation and Level 2 Attunement

  • The origin of the Reiki symbols

  • Cho Ku Rei-Fire symbol/Powerful

  • Se Hei Ki-The mental/emotional symbol

  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen-The distance symbol

  •   How to use each symbol to yourself or to others: Practice on the day.

  • How to recharge gemstones or objects or a room

  • The Antahkarana -Meditation and healing symbol from Tibet

  • Ceremony to Usui and to receive your certificate